Acaibimsi bir yaz geciyor bu sene iki gun bunaltıcı güneş iki gun yağmur minvalinde gidiyor. Bahçeyi sulamadık hiç diyebilirim. Biberler bodur kaldı bu sene cinslerinden mi bilinmez.Günlerim asmaya ve ahududuya dayanan garip bir tur böcekle savaşarak, diet ve yürüyüşle geciyor. Icerde desen çiçek saksılarındaki topraktan dogma siyah kor sinekler saldırır ağzına yüzüne. onlara da be sinek ilacı kullandım be kükürt tozu doktum nafile. Bir gun tepemi atttirip soğuk havada balkona kiskislanmayi bekliyorlar.
Hala is bulamadım bunaldım o kadar ki, yetmiş km uzakliktakilere fln başvurmaya başladım.Evdeki her gun madden ve little manen bitiriyor beni.
It's been a strange summer, with two days of sweltering sun and two days of rain this year. I can say that we never watered the garden. I don't know if the peppers are stunted this year or not. My days are spent on diet and walking, fighting a strange kind of bug based on vine and raspberry. The dogma black core flies from the soil in the flower pots attack his mouth and face. I used insecticide on them too, and I poured sulfur powder on them, in vain. They are waiting for one day to throw my head up and get cold on the balcony in cold weather. All I can lose in three months is only 5 kilos: I'm talking about three months longing for bread and dessert.
If you want sugar, eat fruit, eat fructose enough for you.
I still couldn't find a job. I was so overwhelmed that I started to apply to those who are seventy km away. Every day at home is killing me materially and spiritually.